Compose More Consciously

Spirit Check prompts awareness and aligns what you type with your intentions. Change is inevitable, transformation is conscious.
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Open-hearted people use spirit check to improve their spirit
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Create As You Speak

Abracadabra is Aramaic for "I will create as I speak." We (and Gandhi) believe that when you choose your words, you transform your world.

📝Spirit Check is "a tool to help to teach you how to elevate your speech and change your life until you reach your goals." ~ 📝Michal Karmi
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Everyone is a Manifestor

"Stop saying things that you know to be lies; things that violate your conscience. 📝Stop saying, and doing, things that make you feel weak; things that make you feel disintegrated. All you have to do is pay attention to that."

Professor of Psychology, Author

"Some people have powerful, negative 📝introjects; these harassing, inner figures that make incredibly critical tapes. It's painful to see how they treat themselves. I think that's much more common than people realize."

Founder of Stand Out Authority

"Without any mechanical, 📝linguistic therapy, still a preventive attitude should exist; a watchfulness and suspicion to address the challenges raised by the influence of one's language upon one's thought."

Your Best Self Awaits

"You are under no obligation to be the same
person you were five minutes ago." ~ 📝Alan Watts
Your data is not collected and never sold.

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